The Tale of Balir the Giant-Slayer


Balir, son of Balor, was a great dwarven warrior from the mountains of southern Hefgar. Raised as a noble, he had great disdain for all politics and dinner parties. He wanted nothing more than to make his name with his great axe. So the day his father died, he discarded his family name, and left in search of his own fame


Balir traveled all across the Hefgarian continent, but to no avail. There were no towns besieged by dragons, no damsels in need of saving, not even a bandit needing to be brought to justice. Nothing that could turn him into a great hero whose legend would be told by the fire with a full tankard of ale. As he sat in the small hamlet of Thyrn, near his home region, he prayed that something, anything, would happen so he could prove his strength and valor. And Balir learned that sometimes, your wishes can lead to your own downfall.


The next day, two score hill giants besieged Thyrn. The giants demanded all the women of the town, along with its gold and ale. You see it was one of the Giant’s birthday, and it was time for a party. Balir saw this as his chance for fame. With his might axe, he charged the Giants and cleaved one of them in two. The next, he hacked off a leg, then severed his head. He had killed five of them by the time the others realized what was happening. The remaining Giant’s tried to strike back, but Balir truly was the great warrior he always thought himself, and bested them in two’s and three’s. The fighting went on the whole day and night. Until all that was left were Balir, and the birthday-giant. They fought for another two days and two nights. Both at the point of exhaustion, but too proud to give up, they made one final charge at each other. Balir swung and cleaved into the Giant’s chest, cutting out the heart. But alas, Balir’s axe got caught, and the lifeless body of the Giant landed on the heroic dwarf, crushing him to death.


The people or Thyrn erected a great temple to their hero and savoir, Balir the Giant Slayer. To this day, they ruins still stand to the south of Thyrn for all to visit. The tale of the epic battle spread throughout the entire the continent. And thus, like all true Heroes, Balir became a legend, but not before his demise.